Aug. 15, 2023

Special: Banff National Park

Special: Banff National Park

In collaboration with Parks Canada, a podcast documentary on Canada's favourite National Parks.

Today’s show will sound a bit different, and I’m really excited to share this with you. This is a special series in collaboration with Parks Canada to take a deeper dive into your favourite, or soon-to-be favourite national parks.

Welcome to Banff National Park - Canada’s first National Park. This spring I went on a little adventure to Banff, Lake Louise and the Athabasca Glacier.

I spoke with locals and experts on the history of this beautiful place, and how we can play and protect these lands, plants and animals.

Interview 1: First I talked to Craig Baird, history buff and host of the podcast Canadian History Ehx about the history of Banff, its indigenous roots, and what it was before becoming a National Park.

Interview 2: Today, the park gets millions of visitors per year, with the mountains and outdoor activities being the biggest draw. We talked to Kim Logan - from Banff & Lake Louise Tourism.

Interview 3: Exploring and doing so responsibly are absolutely essential - so we talked to Natalie Fay - from Parks Canada in the Banff Field Unit.

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