Lindsay Webster began obstacle racing in 2014, jumping in head first with her first race being the 2014 Spartan Race World Championships in Killington, Vermont.
Lindsay Webster began obstacle racing in 2014, jumping in head first with her first race being the 2014 Spartan Race World Championships in Killington, Vermont. She became a full-time professional athlete 2 years later winning multiple titles as a Spartan World Champion and OCR World Champion.
Lindsay recently started competing in trail running and Skyrunning, taking home 1st place at the US SkyRunning Championships.
She is thrilled to be representing Canada as her home country, she enjoys the Canadian winters with lots of cross-country skiing with her malamute, Suunto. When Lindsay isn’t training she spends time on her hobbies of small farming, photography, camping and baking from her home in Sutton, Quebec.
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